

- General informations

- Publication IDS April 2008

- Broschüre Eisenzentrum



Workshops in Binningen / Basel


Dates of the next Workshops:


Thursday,  15. 4 10, 14-17 h

Saturday, 8.5.10, 10-13 h

Thursday, 20.5.10, 14-17 h

Thursday, 10.6.10, 14-17 h

Saturday, 26.6.10, 10-13 h









Iron Deficiency

New concept

Diagnostic and Therapy

Interested doctors

Iron Clinic




A prospective contributor, wishing to participate in the network of the iron centers, must fulfill the following requirements:


- Physician in own practice or hospital

- Attendance of the workshop (3 hours)


In Germany, alternative practitioners may also act as an iron center. This is however subject to the cooperation with a physician.


Prospective collaborators can contact you us by email, telephone or mail.

Iron Clinics



Medical Iron Centers are centers of expertise for the identification, treatment and prevention of patients with an iron deficiency – whether at an early or at a late stage.